Crop Insurance Agent

Randy understands farm and ranch insurance because he specializes in it.

I’m from Great Bend, KS, but I grew up in the countryside of Edwards County. My dad worked as a foreman for a local farmer, and I often helped him with the cattle and moving farm equipment. When I was 15, I got my first job at the local CO-OP. I worked there for 13 years, starting in the elevator, moving through different departments, and finally made it to the Commodities office. There, I dealt with buying and selling grain feed and fertilizer across five states and managed dispatch for 10 semi-trucks.

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Why Did You Choose the Ag Industry?

I spent nearly 25 years selling vehicles, mainly to farmers around my area. Then, I got into crop insurance. It started when some of my clients, whom I knew from selling vehicles, asked if I could help them with Crop Insurance. So, I joined an agency based in Nebraska, where I started selling PRF & Annual Forage.

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Activities / Interests

I really like cars, always have since I was young. Anything that has wheels and an engine catches my attention. Right now, I lead the Team Shelby in Kansas and used to help out in the Northern Plains too. I love hunting, especially pheasants and quail. I’ve been married to Audrey, my best friend, since 1994, and we’re looking forward to our 30th anniversary in May. We have three kids and a grandson, Donovan, who’s just started kindergarten.


Farm & Ranch With Momentum