Crop Insurance Agent

Moritz understands farm and ranch insurance because he’s a farmer.

I’m originally from Fairburn, South Dakota, a place I’m proud to call home. My journey in agriculture started from a young age, growing up on a cow/calf operation. It’s not just a job for me; it’s a life I’ve always known and loved. For the past 20 years, I’ve had the opportunity to manage agricultural properties, gaining hands-on experience and deepening my understanding of the land and its nuances. I got into crop insurance because I was frustrated with my agent on my PRF policy, so I went out and did it myself.

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My passion isn’t just about the work; it’s about the lifestyle. I love being outdoors, feeling the sun on my face, and the satisfaction that comes from a hard day’s work on the land. Whether it’s fixing fences, tending to the animals, or just puttering around the place, there’s no place I’d rather be.

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