Crop Insurance Agent

Bruce understands farm and ranch insurance because he’s a farmer.

I’m a farmer from Chickasaw County, Iowa, where I manage a big family farm of 2,000 acres, growing corn and soybeans. Every year, I also take care of 10,000 hogs. Besides farming, I’ve been a crop insurance agent for over 25 years, helping other farmers protect their crops. I started working with Momentum Ag right from the start in 2018, back when it was called FBN Insurance.

My job takes me all over the upper Midwest, from Iowa to Pennsylvania, and lots of places in between. This lets me meet lots of different producers and learn about the various weather and field conditions they face. It’s a great way to understand farming across different regions.

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In my free time, when I’m not working with clients or on the farm, my wife and I, who have been married for over 30 years, like to spend time with our adult children and travel.

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