Crop Insurance Agent

Brandon understands farm and ranch insurance because he’s a farmer.

I live in Siskiyou County, Northern California, with my wife Jaclyn and our sons Nolan and Weston. We’re farmers here. I decided to become a licensed insurance agent because people around here needed it, and I didn’t want them to have to rely on someone from far away. I know how important crop insurance is because I use it myself. I’ve always cared a lot about managing risks, so getting into crop insurance felt like a natural step for me. I’m actually the first in my family to farm. It all started with a project in FFA and some custom hay hauling. Now, we run a full farming operation. We do haying and offer agricultural services, helping other farmers with seeds, fertilizer, chemicals, and applying them.

In the bit of free time I get, I really enjoy boating and flying. I’m a private pilot, which is something I love.

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