Account Manager

Becki understands farm and ranch insurance because she specializes in it.

I live in Iowa, where I work from home as an Account Manager. Much of my work takes place behind the scenes. I like to say that our agents know their clients in person, and I know them on paper. Most of my time is spent handling our policy workload, but I also like to look for ways to improve our internal processes. I feel that it’s important to make sure everything runs smoothly in the background.

Get in Touch

How long have you been in Ag?

When I was in high school, I had a temporary, part-time position filing papers at a crop insurance agency in my hometown. In 2013, I ended up getting a full-time processing/underwriting position at that same agency, and I have remained in crop insurance ever since!

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Activities / Interests

I am first and foremost a mom. I stay busy keeping up with my kids and their various activities. I am also an active community member. My husband and I spend a fair amount of time planning and/or supporting events in our small town. In my downtime, I am a complete homebody. You can usually find me reading a book, shopping online, or staying up way too late to enjoy the peace and quiet of the night.
