Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI)

Multi-peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) is a government-subsidized coverage service delivered by private companies.

MOMENTUM AG offers a full suite of federally subsidized crop insurance products and private products like hail and wind protection. Our expert agents strive to ensure your insurance is as unique as your operation.

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Custom Coverage

No two farms are the same, so your crop insurance coverage shouldn’t be either. By analyzing your farm’s historic yield data, local weather patterns, crop marketing plans, risk tolerance, budget and other factors, our agents will develop a policy that’s specific to your needs.


Data-Backed Approach

We work with you to create a virtual snapshot of crop risk both in your region and on your individual farm. Utilizing 30+ years of data, we help you compare different coverage scenarios to see how they would work for you before making a final crop insurance decision.

Trusted Agents

Our agents are focused on one thing: protecting your crop investment.

They aren’t also managing a suite of other non-ag insurance services like home or car coverage for a long line of customers; they’re only focusing on ag insurance products that put you first.

If you haven’t gotten a second opinion on your crop insurance in the last few years, now is the time to see how a personalized approach to insurance could make a major difference in your operation.

Connect with an Agent

Call 866-878-7133 to speak with an agent or complete the form below for more information.